With Thanksgiving and other demands, I have been remiss in updating these posts.
Total engines tested now exceeds 70. A number of engines from my collection as well as the tune up supply. These include Several Athearn Genesis, Atlas (China, ROCO and Kato) and Proto 2000 variations. The P2K have new wheels and axle gears where appropriate.
A short summary of the results are as follows:
1- it is becoming quite apparent that the drive for low model noise and low current draw levels has compromised the ability of the engine to pull an adequate train at a realistic speed with normal grade and curve resistance.
2- there is some question about the value of the NS type wheels on loco’s. They do have less tendency to deposit the black gunk in DCC. The performance is adversely affected by the loss in friction coefficient. The benefit of an improved electrical contact does not show through when things are clean. The question is are there other approaches, like graphite or No Ox that plow the same ground with less overall performance impact?
3- part of these conclusions are coming from the draw bar measurements. This continues to be a question as to the overall quality of these results. The testing is establishing a level at 16, 12 volts and the voltage where the maximum is recorded.
The literature talks about a draw bar force at the onset of wheels slip. Of all the engines tested, the wheels have been slipping during this measurement on all the readings taken.
Been delaying the implementation of the pulley and weight technique. Need to start that process this week.
4- the performance criteria defined in the engine health post still is showing to be a good measure.