7-23-15 not all things will be clear

The last several days have been focused on client engines, the third graphite test, the initial test on the Kodachrome BB SD40-2 and a new engine offering.

The clients problem pertained to the Rivarossi/ AHM C-liner tune-up. These were successful. They led to the C-liner post and for sale items on the eBay store.

The third test of the Genesis NP GP9 on the graphite track was completed today. The third test did not show degradation from the second test. The weight increments were also tested to highlight the clean to graphite draw bar force impact. This needs to be examined closely, but as of this writing, it appears that the difference nay be within the accuracy of the test system. If this holds, the impact of the graphite Only slightly shows in the data that is taken in these tests. More on this after the data are examined in detail.

The blue box Santa Fe Kodachrome SD40-2 was tuned up for its initial tests. This tune up included the modified five wire, screw motor mounts, an isolated rectangular motor with brass flywheels cleaned and lightly lubricated trucks and NWSL wheels with new axle gears.

This engine was tested through the first weight voltage function series and the weight increment on the draw bar force. The base weight draw bar force was disappointingly low. It does not exceed the minimum force, so the PC values are all negative. This engine will be retested with stock BB wheels to show the draw bar force impact.

Because of a discussion on the MRH blog the interest in testing an Intermountain SD40-2 was peaked. Apparently, these have had less than spectacular reviews. Because of this a new Santa Fe unit was identified for an acceptable price. This engine has been acquired and an initial set of tests completed. These included the voltage function, stall current and draw bar force weight function. These data will be discussed in detail in a post this week. The data does show some interesting results.

1- the electronics keep the motor from starting below 6.9 volts on the power supply. Because of this the 12 volt velocity is low in the 50’s SMPH. The stall current is near the lowest level measured. The draw bar force is competitive with other recent release engines. It also sets the standard for the lowest starting velocity measured on a unit without a decoder installed. It ran 0.7 SMPH at 6.9 volts. The high starting voltage kept the PC2 value in the 50’s. Still competitive with many recent released engines.

Working to finish the graphite, weight variation and motor replacement tests. Starting to wish for some “design of experiment” relief in understanding the results.

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